Sunday, December 6, 2009


General: I think that this class has been great and I have learned so much more than I thought I would. This being my first real writing class as a new Writing major, I have learned many things about writing that I can and will take with me forever. I can't wait to see what else I can do with the new things I have learned over the course of the semester. Overall, I learned how important it is to learn how to write eletronically; but through the process is has helped me to write more confidently and creatively.
Oral Presentation:
Hard to talk in front of people, but did pretty well.
Learned how a sical networking device can apply to this class. It does have things to do with writing. Learned how to pick out the important parts in a chapter or section that would be helpful when trying to learn about new things.
I learned how to be creative and how to embleish without making things up. I learned how to take what I know and put it into words. I also learned about the different kinds of writing there are on the internet/computer. There are tons of different formats and I can now comfortably write in many of them.
Website redesign: New ways of creativity. Formating and design. Colors, contrast, layout, order, alignment, etc. and how important it is. They all make a site what it is. You need to know what is important and make sure that is the forefront of the website.
Enthusiasts Blog: This was the most fun. I was myself which is important. I could talk about something that I had a true passion for and I was able to let people know about that and show them what I have learned. I was able to express myself in a different form. It wasn't in just the writing but also in the design of the blog, the colors, etc. I think this is my best entry because it truely shows who I am and why I am the way I am that way. It has been such a huge part of my life and will probably always be. People can really interact with me and what I write about because the topic is so open.
Social Networking Site: My second favorite entry. I was able to talk about something that I never really got involved in but still felt passionate about. We used a lot of different media and now I can see how important they all can be and what they can bring to a site.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I have one theme in mind that I would really love to use because I feel its fits me and what I have acomplished so well. My first choice would be a flower. A blooming flower to be exact. I feel that I have grown so much from taking this writing course and my writing has gotten so much better. My confidence and creativity has blosomed into something I never thought it would have.
My second choice would be an open road. I think that I could almost just keep growing and can just keep getting better and more creative. Anything is possible and it might not be now, but maybe somewhere down the road. Now that I write this, I am starting to like my second idea better..
3. Journey.

Revision Plans

I have chosen to revise my wikitravel page, I feel like I can add more to what is there currently. I feel that there are quite a few places worth mentioning in Coventry that I have yet to mention and neither has the person who continues to update the page. I would also like to edit some of the existing information and make it a little better if possible.
Secondly, it is a hrd decision, but I would like to revise enthusiats blog. I love my blog it is my favorite part of the class, but I think if I had more patience I could add some videos that were embedded and not just a link in the post. I could also have more fun with the layout, but keep the same color scheme. The pictures are also ALL in the center, I could have been a bit more creative. It is like my diary and I want to keep it that way, but I definitely want to have more fun with the writing and be a bit more professional.

Web Portfolio Response

In this article I learned a lot about how to make a good web portfolio. It was good to know that even thought you may have taken a class on how to make one, it is good to have a good understanding of what their purpose is they key components. You need to keep in mind its purpose and make sure you fulfill that purpose while creating it. You have to keep in mind that you will be getting feedback and be sure to present the correct pieces of work in your portfolio. You want to show how you have grown overtime. You get a chance to explain why you wrote what you wrote and it gives your work a little bit more or a personal edge. The person looking over your work will be able to see where you are coming from. You also get a chance to present a portfolio so that others may get a chance to hear and review your work. It sounds a lot different when the person who created the work is reading it. You can't fake your abilities in a portfolio, it is concrete proof that you can accomlish such things as writing or art work. You also get a chance to review what you put into your portfoio, this gives you the chance to perfect your work and make sure you LOVE what you are putting up for review. You will learn a lot from revising your work and will only further grow.
With a web portfolio, you need to make sure things are easily found and the navigation isn't confusing. Everything is linked together and compared or contrasted. With the web portfolio everything looks every put together, organized, and professional. You can personalize it to your audience and grab their attention much easier. It is more fun to do a portfolio on the web and you can show what you have learned and how you have applied it to real life. Your audience is real. Overall, web portfolios are the more practical way of showing your work to people. The web is everything in this century. Your work can be shown to anyone from prospective employers, etc.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Response 3

I am so excited that our group is just about finished with this project! The sites both look amazing and we have put a lot of research and work into it. We have all learned a lot more about a cause we feel so strongly about. We have a ton of friends supporting the cause, some people I don't even know and some people who are close to us. I can't wait to see it grow. The song choice is perfect, thanks to Christine and I think that we will really be hitting people with our discussion topics, which have all been responded to. We couldn't help but respond to each on the topics because they are so disturbing and need to be out there so the public can get more aware of some of the horrific things going on. Overall we did a great job and I hop our grade reflects that.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Response 2

I can't believe how many people are supporting our cause. It seems like the number goes up by the day. I am adding people as much as I can and so are Courtney, Andrea, and Christine! Our friends are adding people and so on and so on. The cause is something close to us and I think that we have hit peple hard with some of the harsh realities we are brining to their attention. I hope that it just gets bigger and I will definitely keep up this causes on facebook because I feel so strongly about it. Some of the things I have come across has even opened my eyes to a lot of information I didn't know before. I like learning more about this cause and I hope I keep learning new things that I can tell people about in hopes of spreading the awareness and doing some good for the animals.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Response Social Network for Social Cause 1

I think that my group and I have done exceptional work with this project. We have finished a lot of the project even before planned because we are very involved and feel very strongly about this cause. Overall we did a lot of work and a lot of research to make sure that this topic hit a lot of people and made people realize how important it is. So many people can help, even kids. Kids have pets and feel the same way we do about them. I know if anything ever happened to my dog I would be horrified. He is a part of my family. Hopefully what we have done with out causes site and ning site has touched a lot of people and they will help come together to help fight animal abuse. We are still playing around with the site design and I sill need to add my discussion topic but overall we have gotten a lot done.